The THC vs CBD Narrative Is Harming The Cannabis Industry

From a humble seed, arose a plant of ten thousand uses. A botanical behemoth which covered the globe, built kingdoms and helped forge empires. A herb emblematic of the divine dance of yin and yang.

Cannabis is a plant of profound duality and mystery. Its roots may have once fuelled warfare through gun powder, yet its paper still bears lasting truces.

Over the centuries, cannabis has proved itself a requisite for life on Earth to flourish. For millennia, humans have consumed cannabis as a nutritious food source, a powerful herbal medicine, and an insightful introspective euphoriant and intoxicant. Cannabis has been made into versatile textiles, durable construction materials, highly efficient biofuels – the list goes on.

The extensive history of cannabis stretches far beyond our own. Despite the suppressive efforts of many, traces of this magical plant can be found within the annuals and archaeological records of all known former empires.

Throughout our history, this wondrous plant has been known by many names; ‘Ganja’, ‘Marijuana’, ‘Hemp’, and ‘Weed’ to name but a few. Regardless, it is all the same; Cannabis Sativa L

The twentieth century saw the formation of modern prohibitionist policies and the beginning of the draconian, racist, and classist war on drugs. The international criminalisation of the possession, cultivation, and trade of this humble little herb followed. Over time, faux-moralising, unscientific ‘reefer madness’ rhetoric cemented itself within public consciousness. It became accepted that this plant was dangerous – a threat to decent, law-abiding citizens everywhere.

The same ignorance, racism, and greed that created this war now propel the damaging false dichotomies which perpetuate it. 

Simpa speaking at Product Earth 2022 – fireside chats. Photo by Liam Carter.

Cannabis is cannabis

Whether it’s ‘Hemp’ vs ‘Marijuana’ ‘Medical’ vs ‘Recreational’ ‘Indica vs Sativa’ or ‘CBD vs THC’ it is all cannabis, as defined under Cannabis Sativa L. To say any different is factually inaccurate. It dilutes the discussion and disempowers the debate around truly ending this failed war.

To demonise one part of this miracle plant over another is naive. Either that, or it is a narrative born and propelled from vested interests – by those with interest in only a single facet of the plant (for instance CBD) being commodified and commercialised.

Attitudes and misinformation (THC = bad; CBD = good; hemp = good, weed = bad, etc) have resulted in cannabis becoming a medicine and cash crop for the rich – but a dangerous and addictive street drug for the poor. Dealers end up in a cell or insulated by the cover of fortune, depending on their class or race. 

We must not allow a lack of knowledge to empower those that can divide to profiteer from the pain and misery they create.

With such an important heritage and history at stake, we must respect and honour this phenomenal flora. If we do not now seek to right the wrongs of our forebears and protect its legacy, future generations will judge us as harshly as we do the prohibitionists that first began this ignorant war against this plant.

Today, we find ourselves at a crossroads in our history. One path leads to a renewable future of individual, social, and ecological abundance and affluence. The other leads to climate catastrophe, ecological collapse, and potential mass extinction events. 

The choice is easy, if only we had a common vernacular and standardised language with which to communicate how simple it is. 

Our past is gifting us our future – if only we can overcome the ignorance of our present. To paraphrase the late, great, Jack Herer: 

“Cannabis is the future of all mankind, or there won’t be a future.” 

It’s time to end the war and allow soldiers on both sides to live peacefully, plant the seeds of change, and grow our future anew together!

Written for Green Queen Magazine by Simpa


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